Saturday, December 6, 2008

The IdeaL Birth...

am I the IDEAL son??? or my sister is???

The Ideal daughter???The Ideal SON??? So which one is it???
  • - SMART ???
  • - GENEROUS???

We were born in this 'interesting' world together with hopes.... Hopes of our parents to see us succeed in life....Hopes of elder generations to see better generations for the future of the country....Hopes of grandparents to see new generations of their traits...Hopes of families to see new babies who may bring joy and happiness for everyone....

Yes, people have hopes...Just like Adam and Hawa when they were sent to earth by Allah (For Muslim) Some parents want their children to be the best of themselves....Some want them to be what they couldn't be before (watch AF audition and listen to what the parents say why they're supporting their child)...My question is?

  • - Can we be exactly what they want us to be??
  • - Can we fullfil what they hope us of becoming???

and SO....when we cannot be what they want us to be???? Are we that so-called ANAK DERHAKA??? Agendas....Plans....Strategies....yeah, everyone has them....and so do we!

Nowadays, I've seen so many cases where children are depressed because they cannot achieve what their PARENTS wanted them to..... Last year, an Indian girl killed herself because she did not get 5As for UPSR compared to her siblings and this therefore, had created tension on her....And the final decision is..................SUICIDE! SUICIDE! SUICIDE!


Stop putting pressures on your children....Its heartbreaking to see small kids have no time with friends playing 'masak-masak' and dolls and so on but instead, spending time in schools, tuition classes, Piano classes, blablabla classes....Accept them for who they them with LOVE and ATTENTION...coz with that, then, with god's will, you will have your IDEAL BIRTH! end.

1 comment:

aina said...

fahim!i found u!i'll link ur blog at mine okie?