Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Plastic World we LIVE in.....

I got a test tomorrow but still have time to blog....i feel like a total robot rite now....

actually thats not the point....

What I wanna write about here is that the PLASTIC WORLD....
In definition, plastic world means the world of HYPOCRITES!!
Its like this....I got this one friend of mine....a girl....I knew her since the first semester of B.ED TESL.....
She's to me a total jerk....talking bad about people on their back....and acting as a freaky angel in front of them.......
When she talks...its like she's the most outstanding person in the world....well girl, to me you are just a pain in the ass mannn!!!
Careful with this girl guys, some told me that she'd been talking bad about me on my back...well, I dont really mind coz ure such a jackass who pollutes the earth ALLAH has created.....

But the thing is....

She acted freakingly nice in front of me! OMG!!!!
well, you know what.....pegi mampos laaa ngan kau.....ada aku peduli???
if i've ever done anything wrong come and tell me straight.....
not being such a chicken who's afraid to be slaughtered!!

BE CAREFUL with this girl!!!
She's among you!

NO OFFENSE ok guys....this should not be you coz she's not an active blogger....


Anonymous said...

i nak add ur link kat my blog boley?

helanistic.herneo said...

mcm aku je..

Ibrahim said...

That frightens me a bit. I mean, saying bad stuff about us is bad but what makes it worse when he/she takes the best from us without our permission.